long green friends logo with green friends icon to the left


Our community

We are always looking for new faces to join our adventures

Current Members
Get Growing Participants
Trees Planted
Mother Earth
a lady at a table smiling. There's a red tea pot on the table in front of her

Volunteer Community

GreenFriends Ireland is entirely volunteer-run and community- focused – values that sit at the very heart of our organisation.

a group around an oval table having tea and chats

Shared Experiences

Meditations in Nature, gathering treenuts, saving seeds, planting trees, growing organic crops: these are some of the actions for Nature that we do together. Each activity provides a beautiful pathway to express our love, care and gratitude towards our natural home.

Our focus in all our activities is on connecting deeply with the process, allowing more space for simple presence in which our hearts’ connection with Nature can blossom. We have great appreciation for all the ways in which Nature can generate joy, peace and connectedness with all of Life in our hearts.

Many of our volunteers have a lot of knowledge and experience to share. This means that on tree-planting days we work in small groups so that newcomers can work together with experienced planters, ensuring that skills are shared successfully while everyone gets a chance to plant trees.

Following our organic Get Growing courses, participants have the opportunity to form an ‘organic growing circle’ to continue learning and growing together.

a circle of hands in the soil

Help us restore the balance

Action to help restore the lost balance of nature is ever more important, while also being really satisfying, worthwhile, fulfilling and fun! There’s something very special, very hopeful, about meeting fellow volunteers who give of themselves working together for nature. We invite you to join our growing, vibrant, committed team. No prior knowledge of planting/growing is required. We give training where necessary and we all learn from each other in so many way as we go along.